Lunch Fishing

I’m not fishing for my lunch; I’m fishing during my lunch…to be clear.
I went to a local Mexican and bought a snack. There’s a lot a lot of these around, but this one has seasoned chicharrónes. Most meat markets have chicharrónes, but most are not overly seasoned, and I like a lot of seasoning. I was trying to avoid a big heavy lunch, so this was a nice snack to get me through the work day.

There’s a small park just up the road from my work and there are a couple of ponds there. I have been fishing there twice before. Once, I hooked up on a nice bass but couldn’t land it. Actually, It broke my line. I think my line was old, or my knot was not good, or something…. but I had him inches away from the bank…and “snap”…..gone.

The next time I went I caught one big bluegill on a plastic worm. I obviously was not fishing for bluegill using a worm, but the bad boy chomped on it.

My third time, I fished the plastic worm again, and had some interest from some small bass, as the water was clear, and I could see them. One took a small nibble, but for the most part they were interested in the worm, but not enough to hit it. They followed it a bit, but never really striking at it.

I switched to a small hook and bobber and threw out some Crappie Bites. I caught one small bluegill with it. I had a few bites, but I soon had to head back to work.

Did I mention it was 100 degrees outside? I really didn’t mind the heat, but the sweat is the real problem. Luckily, I had a running shirt in my car, so I wore that while I was fishing so I didn’t have to go back to work wearing a sweaty shirt. After I was done, I went back to my car and cooled off, and toweled off, then put my dry shirt back on.

It’s a pretty fun way to spend my lunch during a work day.